
Become a Member!

Everyone is welcome at Port Elgin Yacht Club! Whether you are new to sailing or are an old-salt, be part of our action packed racing season and fantastically fun social events. Come join us! No boat required!


The Club typically has about 50 members with the majority being sailboats that require the lift in / haul out service organized by the Club. The PEYC does not look after the slip rental / assignments in the Port Elgin Harbour.

Seasonal slip rentals for the Port Elgin Harbour are managed by the Town of Saugeen Shores. For more information or to book a seasonal slip, please visit the Port Elgin Harbour website or contact the Facilities and Programs Booking Coordinator


The PEYC membership fee is set annually by the club executive. New members are required to pay a $50 new member initiation fee. Members requesting lift-in and/or lift-out are required to pay a lift deposit each year. The Club also provides a site for summer cradle / trailer storage at a fixed rate for the season.

Refer to the Fee Schedule for current season rates.


The PEYC offers sailing and racing opportunities for our members. Races are planned for Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings along with some special weekend boating & sailing events throughout the summer. 

Race your own sailboat, or crew for another skipper…All members are welcome to participate!

Click here to learn more about our Sailing & Racing Program

Lift Days

The PEYC arranges for lift in / out of about 40 boats (mostly sailboats) at the Port Elgin Harbour. Typically, lift in is the Saturday before the May 24 long weekend and haul out is the Saturday after Thanksgiving. 

In order to participate in the Lift Days, boaters must join the Port Elgin Yacht Club for waiver / insurance coverage purposes and to receive email notices regarding Club operations and events.

Calculation of Individual Lift Cost

 Crane time is recorded for each boat and the cost is calculated based on recorded time plus a share of fixed costs. Typically, the deposit covers the cost of both lift in and haul out unless problems are encountered and additional time is required to launch a boat or to set a boat in its cradle. Following lift-out in the fall, the total lift cost for each boat is calculated and members are issued a refund if total cost is less than the deposit amount, or receive an invoice for additional cost if total is more than the deposit amount.

Jin-Pole Access

The Club maintains a jin-pole located on the north side of the harbour for club member use. It is used to put up and take down masts. The PEYC is a cooperative club in that lift in / haul out and mast stepping / take down are generally communal efforts…..everyone helps each other. Masts are stored for the winter on racks which are located in the north parking lot during the winter.

PEYC Jin-Pole Operation and Safety Info